Why Kendrick Lamar’s ‘DNA’ Has Two Beats

“DNA” producer Mike Will Made It sat down with NPR to talk about Kendrick Lamar’s new album.  He explained that he made a second beat for “DNA” because Kendrick kept rapping a cappella after he finished rhyming over the first beat:

"With 'DNA.,' he went the whole way [through] and then he just started rapping a cappella. He said, 'I just want to see if you can put some drums around this.' I said, 'Man, hell yeah.' But he was going so hard; that man was rapping so crazy. Just imagine him a cappella rapping the second half of 'DNA.' and I had to build a beat around that. I didn't want the beat to just sound like a regular boom-clap, boom-clap. I wanted that s*** to sound just as crazy. I wanted it to sound like he's battling the beat."

Read the full story here.

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