Man Smashes Window To Save Dog Left In Hot Car

Jason Minson was woking on job site in Norfolk VA when he came across a car and saw a dog trapped inside a hot car. Being a dog owner himself he tried to help the dog at first and fed it 2 bottles of water, after calling 911 and waiting on animal control.

He told News 3 it was more than 80 degrees Tuesday afternoon when he saw the black lab mix puppy trying to get cool inside the parked car.

In a video Minson posted, he said he thought the dog was going to die.

Minson told News 3 that if he came across the same situation again, he wouldn't hesitate to act.

"It's cruelty leaving a living being in conditions that hot; it's cruel," he said. "I honestly didn’t think the dog would make it long enough for the fire department to get there,"

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