TMZ has obtained surveillance footage of a struggle between recently broken up Saweetie and Quavo. The incident, which went down at an apartment complex in North Hollywood, begins showing footage from an elevator where Saweetie can be seen outside it swinging at Quavo who dodges the hit. Quavo while avoiding the hit drops an orange Call of Duty case which Saweetie tries to grab. Quavo can be seen trying to grabs it out of her hands and pulls here into the back of the elevator wall where they both go down and the elevator doors close.
Saweetie remains on the floor while Quavo is seen pushing a button and stands over her periodically looking at her and even glancing at the elevator camera. Eventually, the elevator opens with a guy standing out there but he doesn't get on and the door shuts again.
Finally, the elevator returns to the floor where Saweetie and Quavo first began to struggle and Quavo holds the door open while Saweetie slowly got off the elevator floor and limped out.
TMZ spoke with sources on both sides and they both say this incident went down in 2020 at an apartment building where Saweetie was renting before their breakup.
Watch the video below.
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