Palo, a 20-year-old artist from Phoenix, Arizona, has an incredible story that many can relate to. After overcoming drug addiction and homelessness, the rising talent recently celebrated his progress with a new single and music video, "Idk How To Be Sober." He is also using the record to share awareness on the sensitive topic.

"The song is to tell my story and bring awareness to the strength and vulnerability it takes to say you're an addict. I wanted to give people still fighting their addictions.. a voice. They deserve to be heard."

His motto is to take your pain and make champagne out of it — use your experiences as your identity.

To portray this message visually, director @tnickelson chose a dark aesthetic for the music video. Set in a desolate location, it centers around what it's like to be alone and homeless without anyone else but yourself. Palo explained: "The average person doesn't realize how hard it is to be homeless -- having to hold up a sign and show that [type of] vulnerability."

In this way, "Idk How To Be Sober" demonstrates the truth of addiction and emphasizes its constant struggle — while also emphasizing Palo's own strength gained through music. With this release, he hopes to inspire others battling similar issues by sharing his story.

Check out "Idk How To Be Sober" now on your preferred digital streaming platform!

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