There's a rat problem happening in Cambridge that has residents afraid to leave their home.
While the city contendst hat rats are normal for densely populated areas, they acknowledge there’s been an increase in sightings — and as a result, an uptick in public officials hearing from upset residents.
“I think we all got the email from the woman in Cambridgeport who can’t garden anymore,” said Cambridge City Councilor Tim Toomey “For 30 years, she’s been gardening. She’s afraid to go out now and do that. That’s unacceptable.”
One resident said she recently moved to Third Square apartments at 285 Third St. in Kendall Square and said “RATS ARE EVERYWHERE!” The resident continued “I haven’t seen one in my apartment yet, but if I do I’m out!”
Town officials are are trying to get control of the rat infestation and also list causes of what residents are doing to contribute, read more here.