Ketu (@Ketuikediuba) is back with an intense new video for his heartwarming first single, "Rain On Me." The soulful ballad is a standout track off his first EP, Ano-Ele. The visual for "Rain On Me" came on the heels of Juneteenth weekend and served as a cinematic reminder that visually Ketu is a step ahead of the pack. His team at The HE(A)RD/Guin Records knows how to break a star but, more importantly, how to find one. Ketu has made a career from his gift of digital illustration, but music has always been a passion. Although he is relatively new to making music, songs like "Rain On Me" prove he is built to last in the industry.
Ketu's new video is a mini-movie. All of his visuals are a continuation of the previous ones. They are all connected to a certain extent. His classic blue BMW is shown prominently throughout the 3-minute short film. "Rain On Me" shows Ketu's promise. It shows that he is a storyteller with his songs and visuals alike. The Guin Records R&B artist made waves with his cover of Pandora's Indie R&B playlist. There is no limit to where he can go.
Grab your umbrella, press play on the visual for "Rain On Me," and check out his new EP, Ano-Ele, today!