Yalee is quickly rising to the top and is showing big signs of not stopping anytime soon!
Fresh off his last single release ‘God Stay With Me,’ which was the first single off his 4 song EP ‘My Outside Is Different’ as well as part 1 of his 4 part short film. Today, he released part 2 of his short film titled ‘Candles.’ The 4 song EP is accompanied by short episodic visuals for each single off the EP which creates the 4-part short film for the entire project which tells his story.
Born and raised in Ohio, Yalee didn’t have it all growing up. In the episode of ‘Candles’ he is rap singing over a melodic beat opening up about part of his life story of what life was like for him as a child. In the song he shares a lyric saying, “you ever been so broke you had trouble falling asleep, you ever lost some weight because there was no money to eat? You ever turn on that oven, pop that bi*ch open for heat? You ever lit some candles in your crib so you can see? Yeah, that was me.” He continued on the song from talking about the struggle to explaining how great life is going to be once he makes it to the top.
The next highly anticipated instalment of the short film which is part 3 of his 4 song EP ‘My Outside Is Different’ drops on September 22nd. Make sure to stay tuned because it only gets better!
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